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Monday - Friday - from 09:00 to 20:00.
Sunday from 09:00 to 17:00.
Saturday and closing working date of month are a weekend.
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Martin Luther King Day

On January 20th, 2013 there was a lesson dedicated to “Martin Luther King Day” at ACK Children’s Club. The kids learned about the history of this holiday’s celebration in the USA, also got acquainted with Martin Luther King Junior’s biography and listened to his famous speech “I have a dream”. The problem of segregation that used to exist in the USA was discussed during the lesson. The children expressed their opinions and concluded that all men are equal and have equal civil rights regardless of their skin color.

At the end of the lesson the students received handouts in the form of coloring books and worksheets, and then each one of them cut out their hands from colored paper and wrote about the things which, in their opinion, will help make our world a better place. The lesson was finished with designing of colored hands and drawings exhibition, and with giving small presents from ACK to the students.

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