Қазақша | Русский | English
Monday - Friday - from 09:00 to 20:00.
Sunday from 09:00 to 17:00.
Saturday and closing working date of month are a weekend.
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Love stories in novels

The department of foreign literature welcomes you to the «Literary journey to the Love Land» exhibition, which will be held starting in January and ending in March of 2017.

The exhibition will introduce the readers to the classic literary works about love, as well as works of modern authors written in English, French and German languages.

The exhibition is rich for books that tell about people of different epochs, nationalities, various social statuses and religions who loved with all their passion, and how love redefined their fates, changed their personalities and lives.

Every reader will find there lines that will feel painfully familiar, in which the reader will see one’s own life, passion. Words will be found that should be learned by heart and spoken to the loved ones. 

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